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Below you will find a small selection of topics that we have so far managed. For privacy reasons, no further details are given.


  • Clinical Medicine
    • Sigma carcinoma: Diagnosis, surgery and long-term survival times.
    • Survival times and their prediction in lung cancer.
    • Influence of clinical, histological features and sociodemographic characteristics on the survival time of patients with bladder carcinoma after surgery.
    • Influence of age, sex, medication dose, duration of treatment and DRD3 genotype on the readjustment of medication.
    • Analysis of clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patients at two sleep clinics and their relationship to the diagnosis made.
    • Influence of i.a. age, gender and depression on the intensity and progress of several years of back pain.
    • Thyroid carcinoma and lung fibrosis in children.
    • Lung cancer: Survival in inoperable pancreatic cancer (study period: 10years).
    • Evaluation of the effectiveness of markers in a mammacarcinome (breast cancer) study.
    • Sensitivity and specificity of various diagnostic tests and instruments.
    • Evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of various raters in respect to the presence of benign or malignant tumors.
    • Influence of various clinical characteristics on the survival time of patients with gastric carcinoma after tumor surgery.
    • Nutrition factors and breast cancer risk.
    • Changes in the immune system in breast cancer during an immune-stimulating therapy.
    • Medical factors (in)fertility of (non)pregnant couples.
    • Comparison of the effects of specific acid concentrations (plasma analyses).
    • Evaluation of prescription and application of selected pharmaceuticals in medicine technological practise.
    • Etiology of subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy (SAE) including i.a. MRI, neuro-psych. battery of tests, tilt tables, CO ²-tests, risk factors).
    • Comparison of stroke patients with a control group in the CO ²-test.
    • General comparison of the findings in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients.
    • Immunophenotypes of carotid plaque: Inflammatory cells as predictors for ischemic symptoms (stroke).
    • Evaluation of a rehabilitation program (pre/post measurement).
    • Analysis of a multicenter longitudinal study of back pain.
    • Longitudinal study of patients with cystic fibrosis (repeated measurement design).
    • Structural equation models for long-term relationship between psychopathology and level of function.
    • Cross-lagged panel analysis of the effect of expansionary and introversive dysfunctionalities.
    • etc.
  • Dentistry
    • Fracture strength of metal-free polymer crowns
    • Comparative long-term analysis of the fracture strength of various crown materials
  • Medicine Psychology
    • Influence of the social network on the dropout/retention rate of alcoholics in treatments (drug research)
    • Influence of life quality of patients with life-threatening heart conditions (VT/VF, FDA study)
    • Effect of next of kin on the treatment of alcoholics (family research).
    • Patient satisfaction with post-surgical pain medication supply.
    • Influence of quality of life in patients with life-threatening heart rhythm disorders.
    • Psychological factors of infertility.
    • Effectiveness of osteopathic treatment in children with anxiety disorders.
    • Attitude towards and knowledge about the development of rheumatism.
    • etc.
  • Medicine Technology (Methods)
    • Comparison of breath tests with scintigraphy.
    • comparison of object slide colorations.
    • Long-term results after transurethral microwave thermotherapy in high-risk patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia using the Targis T3 system, Urologix
    • A multi-method comparison of histopathological changes of arteriosclerotic eversion cylinders of the a.carotis int. of (a)symptomatic patients.
    • Comparative analysis of adhesiveness in dentistry.
    • Post-surgical analgesic care after hip surgery.
    • Comparison of proof of evidence of bone markers and PTH testing in dialysis patients.
    • Proof of evidence of decomposition markers by bone metabolism turnover in pre-and postmenopausal women.
    • Use of information and communication technologies in medical training.
    • Prognostic validity of diagnosis types for increasing the survival rate for bone marrow transplants.
    • etc.
  • Ophthalmology
    • Preemptive analgesia with ppV in ITN with Ropivacaine (Naropin) as parabulbäre injection
  • Veterinary medicine
    • Influence of insulin-like-growth-factor (IGF) on the development of follicles.
    • Change in lung function of horses during and after surgery.
    • Intravenous administration of BNP during surgery using a heart-lung machine in pigs
    • etc.
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